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High qubit connectivity

Qubits couple to their nearest neighbors using a dedicated bus resonator for each pair.

Fast two-qubit gates

The flux-pulsing scheme used offers the fastest native conditional-phase gates. Fasten your seat belt!

Extensible architecture

Our modular stack, from quantum chip through control electronics and software, is extensible to at least 50 qubits.

“Quantum Inspire put quantum computers online in a time when the rest of Europe was only talking about it. In its second generation, it is a key part of the success of our project OpenSuperQplus”

Prof. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch

Coordinator of EU Quantum Flagship project OpenSuperQPlus

System overview

At the core of our Starmon-7 back-end lies a superconducting quantum processor based on circuit quantum electrodynamics consisting of seven superconducting transmon qubits. The high connectivity of the transmon qubits in this chip earns them the nickname Starmon. Qubit operations are performed with room-temperature analog and digital control systems programmed using a high-level language and compiler. Extensibility to larger qubit systems is a key feature in the design of every layer of this full stack.

  • Algorithm

    Quantum Inspire

    Quantum Inspire's user experience comes with a web portal with an intuitive editor for novice users and a software development kit (SDK) to program algorithms, execute these algorithms and examine the results in various ways. Account management, job and result management is available for all registered users.

  • Programming language

    cQASM and SDK

    The programming language of Starmon-7 is cQASM, developed at QuTech. Quantum algorithms can be programmed in cQASM using the QI online editor or the SDK. The SDK provides an interface between the QI Application Programming Interface (API) and Python-based quantum programming platforms (e.g. QisKit and Pennylane ) and performs any translation between these languages.

  • OpenSquirrel


    OpenSquirrel is a quantum compiler that chooses a modular, over a configurable, approach to prepare and optimize quantum circuits for heterogeneous target architectures. It has a user-friendly interface and is straightforwardly extensible with custom-made readers, compiler passes, and exporters. As a quantum circuit compiler, it is fully aware of the semantics of each gate and arbitrary quantum gates can be constructed manually. It supports the cQASM quantum programming language, using libQASM as a language parser. It is developed in modern Python and follows best practices. The compiler produces intermediate quantum assembly language, a hardware-agnostic representation of a circuit that can be simulated and run directly on quantum hardware. Compilation starts by decomposing quantum operations into physical instructions. Then, the compiler performs optimizations such as merging of single-qubit rotations. After these steps, the compiler analyzes the dependencies of quantum gates and schedules instructions respecting the duration of gates. For the Starmon-7 backend, OpenSquirrel also uses the legacy OpenQL compiler for some backward compatibility issues.

  • Classical to quantum

    Control Electronics

    Modularity was a key design feature for the control electronics used in the Starmon back-end. Custom digital and analog control systems were created to shape and time the microwave-frequency and baseband pulses required to perform qubit operations. Room-temperature microwave sources, mixers and arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs) are used togenerate and steer the microwave pulses required to perform single-qubit gates and readout. AWGs are also used to generate the baseband signals needed for two-qubit gates. The QuTech Central Controller orchestrates the operation of all these analog instruments.  Signals inputs are sent to the quantum chip via heavily filtered coaxial lines and signal outputs are conditioned using cryogenic superconducting and semiconducting amplifiers.

  • Starmon-7

    Quantum Processor

    Starmon-7 consists of 7 transmon qubits in a circuit quantum electrodynamics chip architecture. Similar devices and the same control architecture have been previously used by the DiCarlo lab in QuTech to realize quantum error detection [Marques2022], quantum neural networks [Moreira2023], and variational algorithms [Sagastizabal2021]. The device connectivity allows native fast two-qubit gates between nearest-neighbor qubits (8 pairs). These gates are realized using dedicated flux-control lines available for each qubit. Additionally, each qubit has a dedicated microwave-control line for single-qubit gating. Finally, each qubit is independently readout using a dedicated dispersively-coupled readout resonator with dedicated Purcell filter. These readout structures connect to two feedlines allowing simultaneous readout by frequency multiplexing.

    [Marques2022] J.F. Marques et al., Logical-qubit operations in an error-detecting surface code, Nature Physics 18, 80 (2022).

    [Moreira2023] M.S. Moreira et al., Realization of a quantum neural network using repeat-until-success circuits in a superconducting quantum processor, NPJ Quantum Information 9, 118 (2023).

    [Sagastizabal2021] R. Sagastizabal et al., Variational preparation of finite-temperature states on a quantum computer, NPJ Quantum Information 7, 130 (2021).

Starmon back-end

Starmon-7 is our second-generation back-end based on superconducting quantum hardware. Looking ahead, it is our core mission to demonstrate the extensibility of our chip and control architectures. We target to scale the back-end to ~20 (2024/5), ~40 (2025), and 100 (2026) qubits within the EU Quantum Flagship project OpenSuperQPlus.

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